Man Behind Mixster

A 3rd person, opinionated, account of a 20-something potato who writes for a living (code & docs), believes in keeping life Vanilla and loves the 🐣 emoji.

Don’t believe the chicks part, read the reference.

Mixster, when it started was just an idea filtered out of fresh thoughts, good vibes and lifelike experiences the author had whilst his time on Earth. These experiences he had, especially those he wrote about might not be special for people that were around him. But, they went to become an invaluable, inseparable part of his soul to build the man he is. Just a kid trying to belong, hustling his way up the ladder, always ready to help the community along the way. He aims to be humble, happy and … just vanilla through and through.

He appreciates your dedication in taking the time to read this and trying to know him better as the man he is apart from his work. Not many people try to do that these days. Thank you!

Ideally he remains committed, but if you see him single. You can approach him here vipulgupta2048[AT]gmail[DoT]com for opportunities.

Python, React, GraphQL, Docs, Community, FOSS is what he loves to keep working in.

He is a man of many interests. One of them is writing. He always liked to write from a very young age. Words came naturally to him, as he used this tool to his benefit more times then he could ever imagine. All credit goes to teachers at his high school who recognized his passion for literature early on and casted him to be the Giant in a David and Goliath play. The good old days as he remembers. (Yes, I have some acting experience. My mother was/is a quite talented stage artist.)

Some people might agree that for writing, be it blog posts, stories, even short paragraphs. The right rhythm is necessary. The words often flow out like a gushing river only and only when they strike a chord with your heart. And while writing it strikes every chord of “Time in A Bottle” by Jim Croce for the man behind Mixster.

Nowadays, he balances studies, self-learning projects, fine-tuning his playlists, reading about product management and freelancing to write docs for open-source organizations and startups with Mixster. With a hint of community meetups, parties and meetings, sprinkled over long weekends, early Mondays and constant late nights in between.

Now, you might be wondering “Why he is talking in the second person about himself?”

Because he is sarcastic, observant, and dickishly mysterious in real life. The author till now perseveres to be a modern gentleman, remaining in control his emotions, his growth and his beard (Technically a stubble). The choice of clothes he adorns gives glimpses of simplicity, priorities and whatever is comfortable at that moment with special focus on not losing to many of his precious fucks.

He codes. He contributes. But, most importantly, he closes issues on GitHub. He loves working and giving back to the community to which he owes almost everything he knows. He organizes meetups, mentors sprints, judges and spearheads hackathons. Helping organise a conference too for the past year, and even gives talks once in a while. Always looking for the next new opportunity to pursue, he never settles and is quite calculative when it comes to planning things for his life.

One of his all-time crushes is Travelling Solo. Since 20, he has travelled to more than 15 destinations. One of his many all-time desires includes traveling to Iceland. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is one film that he admires a lot in this regard. One can also already judge him from his strange acquired tastes in Hollywood. He is proud of the said tastes, as he can talk at length about topics like direction, cinematography, score selection, screenplay and casting for a film.

Music would be his another thing, he is deadly passionate about. You can struck up a conversation, by reminding him about that good song you heard one day. Jazz, Groovy, New rock, Metal, Indie, Country (Only if its Brayan Adams), Arctic Monkeys, soulful, electronic and the occasional pop numbers takes his deep interest. Eminem, and sometimes in the time of despair even Taylor Swift is what he can be seen humming.

Reading courtroom drama like John Grisham, thriller-like Lee Child’s Jack Reacher, management and UI design books like Swipe to Unlock takes up his remaining free time. Drawing up plans and deadlines on his beloved whiteboard is evident to his busy life. He weekly harvests Calvin and Hobbes comics by Bill Watterson for his collection which might have well exceeded over a thousand snippets from over 4-5 years of rigorous on and off collecting.

Travel peaks his enthusiasm to a place of 11 in top 10 things that Vipul Gupta would do in one lifetime. Adhering to this theory, till now he has visited 5 countries, spent days in layovers at airports in foreign lands, eating anything that resembles food, and some drinks that could not be identified as potable even in your wildest imaginations. He always looks forward to opportunities that enable him to explore the beyond, be it hackathons, conferences, summits, and even speaker and volunteer roles.

Well that’s him. He hopes you find this blog, and love it long enough for him to keep writing in it. The author likes to add that he has been successful in not giving too many fucks since 2016 – present (#2), but still, would really like to know and meet you. Comment who you are, which article you like, drop a link or something.

He appreciates you for sticking around

Read more articles that he writes from his heart!

Live in the mix, folks!

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  1. I totally love this! 😀 Nice to meet you! 🙂
    Btw ‘The right rhythm is necessary. The words you write should, often strike a chord with your heart.’ I second that!


    1. Thanks Monika, Nice to meet you too !!
      Btw I am that movie fanatic friend who passionately watches the movie or show he is watching and then tells everyone his thoughts about it whether they liked it or not. whispers SUITS and eye in the sky. With a little Narcos just to mix up my life…

      “Traditional review often makes you feel like if you disagree, you’re simply wrong.” Striking a chord one line at a time. Do check out my latest, I am very passionate about that particular topic. I could do a summer movie list too, loved your blog.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hiii, fellow film fanatic! 😀 I’d love to hear your summer picks – leave a comment on my Summer Picks blog? 😉 I’d love to know!

        And thanks so much for the love! 😉 Surely not the last time we talk :))

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Stuti this really means a lot. I really appreciate the gesture. I am trying to branch out my content more on the abstract parts of life. As I feel the inspiration seeping through Dinersrain. I particularly loved the lines in one of the beautiful posts you wrote.

      Things, situations, lives change.
      All things come and go.
      Some remain silent, some speak up,
      some fight and support, some let it go.

      Thank you for reading !!

      Liked by 1 person

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